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Table 2 Recommendations for red flags

From: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of patient group narratives suggests common biopsychosocial red flags of undiagnosed rare disease

Red Flag

Recommendation setting


Multi-system involvement (3 or more)

Healthcare settings, especially primary care

Utilise a holistic approach to assessment in clinical environments, consider the patient’s history and be aware of the most common systems affected by rare disease (CNS, Musculoskeletal, Sensory)

Genetic inheritance pattern

Healthcare settings, especially primary care

Consider the importance of family history in primary care settings and aim to understand the patient’s family history

Presentation in both childhood and adulthood

Healthcare settings, especially primary care

Maintain awareness that rare diseases can present in both childhood and adulthood and do not rule out a rare disease simply due to a patient's age

Difficulties at school e.g. especially absences, difficulty participating in physical education and bullying/social isolation

Education settings

Raise awareness amongst teachers and educators of these signs and how to recognise them. Provide advice on how educators can support parents to seek clinical assessment

Multiple specialist referrals

Healthcare settings, especially primary care and specialist care

Consider the patient’s history of engagement with healthcare providers. If a patient has seen multiple specialists and has not yet had a diagnosis, consider a rare disease

Delayed diagnosis

Healthcare settings, especially primary care

Consider the possibility of rare disease diagnosis in a patient who has not received a diagnosis after one year of seeking medical support for a health issue


Healthcare settings, especially primary care

Consider the possibility of rare disease diagnosis in a patient who has received several misdiagnoses

Do not rule out a rare disease simply because a patient has an established diagnosis of epilepsy or arthritis; given that these may be secondary processes

  1. Abbreviation: CNS Central nervous system